3 John – The Manner of Our Mission • 05.26.24
Jack Flaherty   -  

The Manner of Our Mission

3 John

Two exhortations concerning truth and love

  1. Be a fellow worker for truth
  2. Imitate good examples of love


Good morning! My name is Jack Flaherty and I am blessed both to serve as one of the pastors here at Harvest and to open up God’s Word with you all this morning. Today we are wrapping up our series “Walking in the Truth” through the letters of John by diving into 3 John. Next week we will be back in Isaiah and I hpe you will join us for that. Next Sunday is also our second of three Family Chats for 2024. We are welcoming new members, will have a chance to share testimonies/praises/prayers with one another, and we will hear updates on new things happening including an update from Pastor Nick on future planning. Hope you will join us both to dive back into Isaiah and the Family Chat next week! But for today, I ask that you please open up in your copy of the Scriptures to 3 John. If you need a Bible, the ushers are making their way through the room and would love to hand you a copy to follow along.


Reminder that 2 and 3 John are the shortest books in the whole Bible but packed full of sweet realities about God and for mankind. Also, as we mentioned last week, these little books have much in common to one another and to 1 John. In particular, for those who have been here and for this series you will clearly see the three tests concerning doctrine, morality, and love which were mentioned in 1 John. We could rightly say that 2 and 3 John are these tests applied. 1 John tells us what they are and 2 and 3 John shows us case studies of them at a play. And though many argue for hospitality as the themes linking these two letters, I think it goes a layer deeper. Rather than just who you host or not, these short books are about the mission of the good news of Jesus going forth to see lost souls saved, saved souls sanctified, sanctified saints carried on unto glory!


Last week 2 John told us that the mission required a certain message to be communicated, one of truth and love. The main idea of 3 John I want to put before you today is that the mission also must be carried out in a certain manner, one of truth and love. Thus, our sermon title The Manner of Our Mission. Its not enough just to intellectually ascent to these realities about the message of Jesus, we actually need to live a life of truth and love that reflects that the message of Jesus has been personally received. Hopefully you have found this little book. Lets read 3 John.


Recently I’ve been reintroduced to one of my favorite old cartoons, Recess! Watching with my kiddos there was an episode about a Thanksgiving canned food drive. One class full of Ashleys is going to win because their parents just buy whatever. But big compassionate Mikey convinces the main cast of characters to rally their class for the good of the homeless. The team participates but instead of helping the homeless their mission is to win. The team clearly doesn’t get it despire several reminders and all comes to a head at the final assembly when the two classes are devasted to tie. A fight over one final cans leads the pyramid of all the cans to fall on the floor and explode. Mikey shouts “Now no one will enjoy thanksgiving!” They missed the mission and thus the manner in which they carried it out. Self-interest and comparison caused devastating effects. Now the story ends with everyone learning their lesson and cans being returned and realizing they need to understand Mikey’s call to be self-less and serve others. But I wonder if this little letter doesn’t sort of help us with the same lesson.

Do we ever get crossed up in our motives or what the true end goal is? How does that impact the manner of what we do? How would glorifying and enjoying God by keeping the mission of spreading the gospel front and center impact the manner of my life day in and day out? By John’s own actions and his highlighting of three men in this little letter he paints for us a stark picture: the synergizing good that can come for the mission of the gospel when we go about it according the God’s truth and self-sacrificing love compared to destructive and stymieing impacts of doing things according to our own design. As with the first half of 2 John, what we see is a lot of truth and love in these first eight verses. For a Christian, the reality of objective truth is absolutely necessary. Specifically the truth of the gospel message that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh who came to earth, lived a perfect life marked by truth and love, died to provide a payment for the sins of mankind, resurrected from the dead showing his victorious power over sin and death, and then sent his disciples on mission before ascended to heaven where he is present seated interceding for us and preparing a place for us. And this act of selfless love by Jesus necessarily means those who follow him ought also to practice self-sacrificing love. So again today we are looking at two exhortations concerning love and truth. And a first exhortation to consider is…


  1. Be a fellow worker for truth

Last week  2 John 10-11 we were warned about false teachers and not fellowshipping with their wicked works. In 3 John 8 summaries the first half of the letter saying we ought to be fellow workers with those who are teachers for truth! And what we see in v1-8 is John is mostly pumping up Gaius because he sees truth and love in his life. Atta boy! John knows Gaius to be a fellow believer who he loves dearly–see beloved in v1, 2, 8, 11. John hears great reports about Gaius’ sticking to truth v3 and practicing love v6! And John rejoices in Gaius that he is walking in truth in v4. We don’t know who Gaius is exactly. This name was on the ancient Roman top 15 baby names list. There is a couple of these dudes so hard to pinpoint. Likely a church member in Asia Minor region near Ephesus where John was ministering. Maybe a church leader. But regardless we see some interesting things here as we look at what John says about him and to him.


The most important thing he says in v7-8. Gaius has been faithful to support those who have gone out for the sake of the Name and thus by helping support them he has, like he ought, become a fellow worker for truth! We ought to support those who go out in truth! Why? As we said v8 So that we may be fellow workers for truth! Woah! Your saying that if I support these gospel workers I become a gospel worker too? Yes! That’s why this is an implied imperative. We ought to support because hospitality leads to synergy! Brothers and sister this is huge! Gaius wasn’t a missionary but by faithfully and generously loving on those who are out for sake of the name he is called a co-worker for truth. Greek word like our root synergy. Working together to increase the impact. John wants Gaius to know he wasn’t just doing something minor but actually  participating in the mission of spreading the gospel around the globe!


We too are called to be a part of this mission. No matter our vocation or location we are to be about helping the mission of spread the good news of Jesus Christ! But what does this support look like? At least three things highlight by what John says about Gaius and to Gaius here that I think show us how to also be fellow workers for truth.


  1. Pray for prosperity

Look again at v1-2. John has already called Gaius a fellow-worker as he has done the support. And John prays that he would experience prosperity! V2 That all may go well with you and that you may be healthy! Why? Well I think a few things to consider here. First off we see he prays for prosperity physically that matches his state spiritually. John is confident of spiritual state of Gaius He calls him beloved 4x! What an endearing reality they share in the truth and love, real relationship. Yet not only that, he knows his spiritual standing based on the testimony he’s been hearing. Guys who John has apparently sent out to share the gospel have been coming back saying “You guys need to hear about Gaius, what a guy! He is walking in the truth AND he is helping us, who he doesn’t know from Adam, on the mission of making disciples.” John recognizes his soul was good, so he prays for prosperity to match that.


Which brings up second thing. I think John wants him to have more so he can do more! A guy with this kind of spiritual maturity and ability to help, we want him to do more! He’s been a good steward so why not pray that God will bless him with more! He’s been using it well so lets ask that God would keep him well supplied and well in health so that he can keep pushing the mission! John is now being that faithful fellow working in this example of synergizing co-work for the gospel!


Yet a third thing as a bit of a caution, we don’t know what Gaius situation was. Maybe he was broken. Maybe had cancer. Maybe he died after this letter showed up. We ought be careful to not use this as a proof text for the prosperity gospel but a text to rightly whip us away from safe prayers. Bottom line is apparently part of John’s idea of co-working is to pray for prosperity for those like John who are walking in truth and love.


We rightly are cautions about the prosperity gospel. BUT I wonder if that right caution wrongly swings too far to praying for generalities and for spiritual things only. I’ve been reading the little pamphlets from Truth78 family discipleship bundle and several on praying for next gen, teaching next gen to pray, utter dependance on God in prayer. Example after example of God coming through when kids pray for physical and seemingly small things. I am often humbled with our daughters ask us to stop and pray sirens that God would be with first responders and those they are helping. I was humbled by other prayers at sirens this week. After we dodged the storms my oldest daughter burst into praise saying “I still can’t believe God answered my prayers and spared our house from that tornado.” Who am I to say that God didn’t answer that prayer for a physical thing! Her prayers and praise were matched by that of the 80 year old lady we get the privilege to bring to lunch every Thursday! I am afraid I’ve lost this reality of radical dependence, its radical to ask God to help for the things we think we know or things that are natural maybe more than the chaos. Trust God’s will be done, but pray the prayers for tangible, physical things like physical health and physical provisions. And maybe especially for those things not to be self focused but mission focused for yourself and other fellow workers.


  1. Provide a Testimony

Second big thing we see then is this idea of testifying of those who are faithful fellow workers. Do you see that in v3 and v6 concerning Gaius? Though getting a bit ahead of ourselves we even see this about Demetrius, another co-worker in the gospel, who gets three gold stars of testimony v12. We mentioned this last week and weeks before, but rejoice in and vouch for those who are walking in truth! V4 is the same language as 2 John 4 with “rejoicing greatly.” LETS GO! we ought not miss this crucial emphasis! He wants to really let you know he is excited for Gaius. And later on he wants Gaius to know Demetrius who is coming to you is worth the support!


Why is a testimony so important? Its spoken/written affirmation or proof. When we are talking about getting anything done in any field of work, isn’t it good to have an idea that the person getting the job can handle it? Even kids you know this when play games physically or virtually. You want those who got a good endorsement on your side. AND if you can save the trouble of having to wade through things it speeds up the process. If there are people we can be support by giving a good word we ought! Both for their own encouragement and for the benefit of those who they are going to join!


A few questions to consider here. Is anyone excited to share your testimony? Meaning are you walking in truth and demonstrating that by your selfless love. John says there no greater joy than to see this! He is so selfless, and others focused! Like he learned from the master! We too can walk in truth if we get our minds off ourselves.


So not just a testimony of us, but another question is does hearing of other Christian faithfulness bring you joy? Again he is not jealous for Gaius but excited! We need to be excited when we hear of God doing work not getting frustrated. These brothers get pumped and tell John. John gets pumped and tells Gaius. Not only should it bring us joy but there is not greater joy! So not just do we have a testimony, do we enjoy others testimonies.


Which brings up a third question, have you share about the work of another to the glory of God and the good of the mission? Be a proud papa or mama and share other with joy! And pass it on! Have a good word about yourself, don’t get jealous of others, and promote faithful fellow workers. With that, its worth noting we do this in our Family Chat! Also Students at our EOY party on Wednesday! We provide testimony of what God is doing, we pray for wellbeing for brothers and sisters, and we invite you to share the same. Come join us Sunday! But also, as we get into missions month, maybe consider strategically as you hear from missionaries, ministry partners, and more, how can I be making connections for the sake of the gospel by hearing, rejoicing in, and sharing testimonies/evidence of God at work in others. That’s the manner of truth and love the mission calls for!


  1. Practice generosity

Brings us to a third and final practice for being a faithful work for truth, generosity. As we continue seeing what is said to Gaius concerning being a faithful fellow worker, John prays for him, brothers testify about him, and now has asked to keep up the good with by supporter those who for the name then v6 “in a manner worthy of God.” In a manner worthy of God! Woah! That’s as if God was giving himself OR if you were giving to God but either way that means not stingy. Not skimpy. But with time in prayer, timer serving, with talents and expertise helping, with resources sharing, and maybe even yourself going!

This is where we again bring up prosperity gospel. Unfortunately, many wolves in sheep clothing ask for you money OR to sow a seed so that you can participate in the gospel. Here is the problem, prosperity needs to be for gospel work! Not for building up one’s own wealth. See that caveat even in v7 . Those out for the name aren’t out for the money! They aren’t taking help from anyone else for any other reason!


But this does highlight something key… who has the responsibility to support gospel work? Christians! We go two options. Either we support and we become fellow-workers. Or don’t and miss out on the chance to participate in the mission. Maybe worse like v11 last week we partake in wicked works of false teachers! Yes be discerning about who you support and how, but know that it is our job to support the mission of the gospel!


This support can be a myriad of things. It appears here to by hospitality. Providing food and shelter. Time and cost to self. A bit of discomfort and disruption of schedule. I wonder if we would give up any single one of these things? Who have you partnered with? Anyone? What did that look like? How about this, have you depended on other brothers and sisters or flown solo? Prayers, words of encouragement, practical helps, Biblical counsel, and maybe even money are all ways we might be called to generously help other gospel workers. In a manner worthy of God, that’s a phrase to ponder and consider if we fit that description. We can’t help everyone all the time, but is there anyone who you are a fellow worker with? Are you supporting this church, our missionaries, those ministries locally doing gospel work? God is giving us an opportunity to be a part of the work he is doing! So let’s generously take him up on that offer!


This is mission critical. We must live out the manner of the truth we’ve been called to. We must walk in it be being a fellow workers for truth supporting those who are doing likewise! When we support people who are on the same team about the same name we are passing the tests of belief, obedience, and love to the glory of God. We are upholding the manner that our mission requires for the sake of our savior. And as things shift in v9-11 which I think the second exhortation John wants us to catch here is not just being a fellow worker but learning from good and bad examples. I think this whole last section hinges on the imperative pair in v11.


  1. Imitate good examples of love

John in v5 to Gaius affirms he is doing the faithful things–literally ‘faithfully doing’– yet he wants him to continue in this. So in v11 he tells him and all who will receive the same counsel subsequently to not follow evil but good! Why? Because doing good is evidence of knowing God and doing evil is evidence of not seeing God.  This is the one who was an eyewitness to Jesus so he would know both what it means to see God and what it means to do good! He says the fruit of behavior exposes the root of relationship with God. So what should we and should we not imitate? This letter written is full of names. And each of these names gets something said or shown about them. So consider the examples before us.


  1. Consider the examples

First, consider compassionate John. He has been an upstanding guy the whole time! Using words like my dear beloved! Like desiring to see genuine wellbeing! He is about the mission! He is loving God and loving others. His desire is to be face to face and keep the mission going! He even in address the hard things in short and swift, not proud or arrogant or putting on blast. John is compassionate and wishing to see his manner reflect the savior whom he walked with. Not only that he is making strategic gospel connections with Demetrius and in v15 with greetings commanded because the networking or missionaries needs to keep going. Not for his own gain, but probably to the detriment of it, sending out his best people. He uses his authority for good in helping others flourish and grow. Even think back to last week writing to the church in 2 John he doesn’t demand obedience but asks for it of the dear church in 2 John 5. He also desires face to face time with his people! He knows the spiritual good physical presence can do. Almost as if he witnessed the loving incarnation ministry of God himself. Maybe be exemplified by parting greeting in v15 of peace like what Jesus when he first saw his disciples after the resurrection. You want a good example to follow? Though he doesn’t necessarily but himself out there, John is one.


Second, consider confirmed Gaius. John again writes to encourage and affirm this brother that he is doing well! Though he is the one being commanded to imitate, he has been shown to be a guy worthy of imitating! He is walking in the truth by expressing love to strangers. He is doing the faithful things in all his efforts, not just in some. He has given generously. He is a fellow worker. He is even ready to help again. Not just a one time servant but ready to take on more strategic opportunities. He is a selflessly loving man worthy of imitation.


Third, consider condemned Diotrephes. He is the opposite of what we are called to do. Look at the short list of things not to do in v9-10. He ignored communication from John the apostle because he does not acknowledge authority. He is selfish putting himself first. He is slandering by talking wicked nonsense. He is refusing to partner with brothers, stops others from partnering, and then abuses church discipline for those who do opposite of him. Diotrephes doesn’t acknowledge apostles and uses his poorly. Unfortunately, we’ve seen too much of this in the church even recently. Authority ought to be used to life others up not manipulate and abuse people to get our way. If you’ve ever experienced this, God hates this and will right it. But also don’t reject authority because that’s what got Diotrephes messed up in the first place. To be a good authority we must be under authority. This is a call for us to understand truth AND affirm it with our lives. Believe, obey, display.


What did he miss? The gospel! “High made low…All good for all bad…one righteous for many wicked…obedient for disobedient…this is the great exchange, and this is the good news of us! John says in v11 that behavior is the fruit that evidences the nature our relationship with God. Where do you see the selfish tendencies of Diotrephes present in your life? How does the truth of the gospel challenge you to grow in selfless love?


Fourth consider Commended Demetrius. We don’t know much about him except v12. John wants Gaius to know this is a guy is heading his way and he worthy of supporting. Not that Gaius wouldn’t have anyways but again the testimony of a faithful fellow workers goes a long ways, especially one with a trust testimony as John. Demetrius apparently is also a fellow worker for truth, is one who has been loving not to show himself off but so that others pump him up. He is probably carrying this letter. For us an example of a servant who submits to authority.

What have you learned from these examples? They are meant to stir us up to consider the manner in which we walk as individuals and as a church. We need to imitate the self-less love giving and truth walking qualities. We need to acknowledge good authority and use what authority we have not for our gain but to lift others other. We are to be about the mission of spreading the gospel—supporting brothers and sisters, stranger or friend, who upholds the truth, works for truth, and has a testimony of truth. The worst game ever is Copy-Cat. We hate when someone gets annoying doing all that we do, especially if they are intentionally try to make you upset. But John is saying here you know what, actually that’s not discipleship. Discipleship is seeing those who are for truth and in love following Jesus and consider their ways. Do the good you see and don’t do the evil you see, we learn from both. See  the way of following Jesus is the best possibly version of Copy-Cat. If someone is copying you pray that its because they see the good. And the best news is, we have the best example to follow he will never ever get annoyed even when our earthly examples are annoying or let us down, Jesus.


  1. Consider Jesus Christ

While others can say do the good things I do and not the bad, or follow me as I follow Christ. Jesus simply said “follow me.” Not that this is easy but it worth it! Jesus says if you love me obey me and I will not make it hard for you 1 John 5:2-3. He promised in John 14-15 to send his spirit, to be our advocate, to produce fruit in us. That’s the crucial thing for us to consider about Jesus. We not only imitate what is good about him but we run to and rest in him because he alone is good and helps us do good! None is good but God and Jesus is God in the flesh!


Imitate good examples of love. What was the greatest example of love? For there is no greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friend. Jesus personified the manner of love he called us to. AND by God’s grace and indwelling Holy Spirit we are empowered to follow that example and selfless serve and love and live on mission. Is that number one in you life? You wanna know what changes your manner? Remembering how the mission got started! Changes everything! Our faithful redeemer is the perfect example to follow and the only one we can turn to to truly be empowered to live out the mission in the right manner. And when we fall short as we inevitable will, or when we struggle with lack of power because we will, he is never failing. He has done al that need be done of the cross and simply says “PEACE.” He calls us to walk in truth and live a life of selfless love in light of the love he has shown and continues to offer to us. Follow him. Place your faith in him. Serve his mission in a manner worthy His Name. Lets ask God to help us do this pray.