Missions’ Garage Sale

July 27 - August 3  |  Renee Tabar's House (605 SE 14th St)

605 Southeast 14th Street, Grimes, IA, USA

Beginning July 27th and through July 31st, donations will be accepted for the garage sale that will be held at Renee Taber’s house in Grimes.  Also accepted on 8/1 are any baked goods to be sold at the sale (non-refrigerated items, please).

Several volunteers are also needed for the set-up and running of the sale, which is on Friday, August 2nd from 7:30am-3pm and on Saturday, August 3rd from 7am-1pm.  You can sign up at this link to coordinate a spot to help with the sale and/or set-up and/or kids that would like to run the lemonade stand.


ALSO needed are portable clothing racks to borrow (4)and hangers to be donated.  For those wanting to coordinate dropping off donations starting July 27th or those interested in providing items for the bake sale (drop off on 8/1), please contact Renee at renee@practicalsleepservices.com or by text at 515-205-9633.