S.E.R.V.E. Weekend
April 12 - 13
The overall vision for Missions at Harvest is to help the body GROW spiritually through an increased awareness and understanding of missions and the Great Commission; GIVE prayerfully, financially, and physically to local ministries and mission opportunities; and GO into the world through full-time missions, short-term trips, evangelism, and discipleship.
What is S.E.R.V.E. Weekend?
On S.E.R.V.E. Weekends, we will come together to participate in various service projects throughout the metro area, with serving opportunities on both Saturday and Sunday. These projects will be diverse and include options that the whole family can help with!
Unlike our 5th Sundays from previous years, these S.E.R.V.E Weekends won’t be determined by the calendar—instead, they’ll pop up at various times during the year, giving us flexible and intentional opportunities to live out our calling as servants of Christ.
When: 2025 dates are January 11 & 12; April 12 & 13; and October 11 & 12)
Contact: Learn more information at www.harvestdesmoines.org/event/s-e-r-v-e-weekend/ or email missions@harvestdesmoines.org
What: Join a group going door-to-door in pairs to welcome new residents to Grimes and invite them to worship with us.
When: Every Wednesday, April through September, from 5:30-6:30pm
Contact: Reach out to Pastor Chris at chrisz@harvestdesmoines.org for more information