Check out a list of the current song rotation for Sunday morning worship!
Ascribe Worth • Sing Praise • Lift Him High
Worship is our response to who God is and the act of ascribing worth to Him. We are called to passionately worship our Savior, and we strive to do that through God-honoring worship services each weekend.
What Is Worship
Giving God glory and ascribing Him worth is the core of Harvest worship. Worship is our response to the grace and love that God has shown us, and singing praises to the Lord is one way we can express our gratitude. Worship can occur in many different forms and should be happening every time we gather in His Name.
One of the pillars at Harvest Bible Chapel is lifting high the name of Jesus in worship. Our aim is to give unashamed adoration to our God and King. We do this through music, art, songwriting, storytelling, video, photography, sound, and any other medium we can use. God has poured His creativity all around us, and we strive to reflect the glory back to Him.
The worship ministry of Harvest exists to help our people experience the sufficiency and express the supremacy of Christ in all things.
Our philosophy of worship is available if you’d like to review it.

Weekend Worship
One way we worship at Harvest is through singing His praise. However, the act of simply singing songs is not necessarily worship; instead, it is our response to the grace and love that God has shown us. Singing praises to God is a command to all followers of Christ.
“Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise!
Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies come cringing to you. All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; they sing praises to your name.” Psalm 66:1-4
Our worship at Harvest includes singing and playing instruments, but the message that our songs communicate is the most important aspect. Our songs should accurately reflect what God’s Word says and should describe the character of God. Whether the music is slow or fast, soft or loud, new or old, with a full band or without, matters very little in comparison to the message of song.
We strive to lead our church in worship through a variety of genres and styles, of music. Not for the sake of appeasing demographics or personal preferences, but to show how the glory of God can transcend personal taste and preference.
The worship ministry at Harvest exists for one purpose: to magnify and glorify the name of Jesus.
Serve On Our Team!
You must be a believer in Jesus Christ. Harvest Bible Chapel must be your home church. Read the information below explaining the process and participation on the worship team and then fill out the application.
Why We Do A Skills Assessment
Scripture explains that those who lead musical worship are called to do it skillfully and that all believers should serve in a way that is edifying to the church body as a whole (Psalm 33:3; 1 Cor 14:26). If you have a heart to lead others into meaningful worship and you feel you are skilled with your voice or musical instrument, we would love to meet with you for a skills assessment!
How We Conduct A Skills Assessment
Once you have submitted an application, we will schedule a time to meet to go over a few songs together to evaluate your overall skillset and comfort level with leading others. We will send you chord charts and recordings in advance so that you can prepare for your skills assessment just like you would prepare for a worship team rehearsal! From there, we will get you plugged into serving on worship team, or point you to helpful resources for further development while meeting other needs in the church.
Harvest must be your home church. You should be in agreement with our theological standings, doctrine, and values. We are looking for trustworthy, team-minded people who will take the commitment seriously. Maintaining a humble, teachable attitude is very important. The worship team is not a platform for showcasing individual talents, but a place of service to the congregation. There is a standard of purity and holy living that is also expected of worship team members. There needs to be a strong correlation between what you profess on stage and how you live. Whether we like it or not, people are watching us as worship leaders and our witness is very important. (This includes what we post on social media.) Previous experience on a worship team or in a band can be helpful but is not required.
We currently provide worship for two services: Sundays at 9:00 + 11:00. Our vocalists and instrumentalists are rotated throughout the month. You are expected to be on stage ready to rehearse at the scheduled rehearsal time. Punctuality is of utmost importance to maintain our rehearsal and service flow. If you will be late, please contact your worship leader. If an emergency occurs and you will not be able to serve, please contact your worship leader immediately. One of our highest values is a culture of engagement with our people. All team members are required to be present and engaged in one of the services during the sermon.
If you are ready and willing to fulfill the expectations and commitment, fill out the application below!
Who We Are
Our production team is a dynamic ministry that supports the worship team and service production. We are the caretakers of the delivery of the message of God’s Truth, and aim to create a distraction-free environment of worship that helps point people to Jesus.
What We Do
Our team is composed of several different roles. Below are some of the main categories and descriptions for each.
Lyric Operator
The lyric operator is in charge of leading our congregation and worship team by effectively displaying lyrics, triggering videos, and displaying the message points of the sermon.
Livestream Operator
The livestream operator is in charge of recording the audio and video of each service so those who cannot make it to church, or those who may be interested in our church but have not yet attended, have a way to connect to the church body.
Audio Engineer
The audio engineer orchestrates the audio mix the church hears during rehearsals and services. They are also in close communication with the worship leader to help facilitate worship services.
Service Director
The Service Director carries out the details of the service such as lighting and transitions. This role is key as we strive to minimize distractions in our services.
Harvest must be your home church. You should be in agreement with our theological standings, doctrine, and values. We are looking for trustworthy, team-oriented people who will take the commitment seriously. Maintaining a humble, teachable attitude is very important. There is a standard of purity and holy living that is also expected of production team members. There needs to be a strong correlation between what you profess on stage and how you live. Whether we like it or not, people are watching us as leaders and our witness is very important. (This includes what we post on social media.) Previous experience on a production team can be helpful but is not required.
We currently provide production for two services: Sundays at 9:00 + 11:00. You are expected to be ready to rehearse at the scheduled rehearsal time. Punctuality is of utmost importance to maintain our rehearsal and service flow. If you will be late, please contact your worship leader. If an emergency occurs and you will not be able to serve, please contact your worship leader immediately. One of our highest values is a culture of engagement with our people. All team members are required to be present and engaged in one of the services during the sermon.
If you are ready and willing to fulfill the expectations and commitment, fill out the application below!
Why We Do A Skills Assessment
Scripture explains that those who lead musical worship are called to do it skillfully and that all believers should serve in a way that is edifying to the church body as a whole (Psalm 33:3; 1 Cor 14:26). If you have a heart to lead others into meaningful worship and you feel you are skilled with your voice or musical instrument, we would love to meet with you for a skills assessment!
How We Conduct A Skills Assessment
Once you have submitted an application, we will schedule a time to meet to go over a few songs together to evaluate your overall skillset and comfort level with leading others. We will send you chord charts and recordings in advance so that you can prepare for your skills assessment just like you would prepare for a worship team rehearsal! From there, we will get you plugged into serving on worship team, or point you to helpful resources for further development while meeting other needs in the church.
WORD OF GOD – The Bible contains all wisdom about who God is, what he has done for us through Jesus Christ, and how he wants us to worship him. We cherish God’s word and let it set the tone for how we lead others in worship.
EXCELLENCE – God is worthy of our all, and while that does not mean we all must have the same skillset, we all strive to serve our best each week.
DEVELOPMENT – We seek to grow the skills God has given us through regular practice. We also seek to grow our character to be more like Jesus through regular habits of grace like Bible reading, prayer, and serving.
TOGETHERNESS – We are committed to being in community with other believers, so we participate in all aspects of our Harvest Student’s gatherings, not just the music. We are also committed to being a part of a local church so we ask that you only serve in this role if it does not conflict with your service to your local church!
ENGAGEMENT – We seek to encourage others as we worship, rather than stay in our “bubble.”
- Show up early enough to be ready for rehearsal at 5:30pm on Wednesdays.
- Practice your part before rehearsal.
- Attend the entire Harvest Students gathering (don’t just come for the music!).
- Seek to love other members of the team and be committed to communicating any problems in a God-honoring way.
- Honor the worship leader by being attentive as they communicate with the team during rehearsal.
- Help keep the stage clean by removing any trash you bring and putting your equipment back the way you found it.
- Take good care of the equipment.
- Respond to Planning Center requests within 3 days of receiving the email invitation.
- Parents must have a ride arranged in advance for their student to be at rehearsal each week.
- Dress modestly
- Dresses and shorts must not be higher than your finger tips while standing
- No low-cut shirts or belly shirts or spaghetti straps
- Leggings must be worn with a mid-thigh length shirt or dress
- No muscle shirts/cut-offs
If you are ready and willing to fulfill the expectations and commitment, fill out the application at this link!
Apply at the bottom of the page!